Thursday, March 26, 2009


i've to admit here......

Check Spelling

Mr. Hubby obession drives me crazy..... but last week he proved to me that his obession in fishing beneficial and turns into MONEY....MONEY....MONEY.....when he won a jackpot for a big catch "AFRICAN CAT FISH" weigh 7.5 kg....... dammm big fish....

Sincerely awal2 dulu i mmg marah sgnt kt hubby dek kegilaan nyer memancing coz asyik balik tgn kosong jer.... duit dok perabih bayar kolam mancing jer.... sekali masuk dah brapa.... so bayangkan larh kali tiap2 petang dok tercongok kat kolam tapi ape pon tak dapat..... yg dapat kulit yg itam legam jer.... tapi itam2 pon i sayang gak.... ahaks....

Now i've changed my perception..... since hubby always said practice make perfect n he proves it serta berkat kesabaran nyer menuntut ilmu pancing memancing from my uncle yg super dooper power dlm bab2 nie ...... i'm gonna give him full support...... so pas nie kalo menang jackpot lagik bole larh pass pass cash prize tu kt i to fulfill my shopping obession laks...... nie baru kes serampang dua mata sambil menyelam minum air.....hahahahaha......

Pics below adalah hasil kemenangan jackpot Mr. Hubby.... ewan sila jgn jeles yer.... your big bro mmg tak sabo2 tunggu ewan balik nak ajak fishing..... my bil pon involved in this crazyness n mmg teman setia hubby memancing...... so kami para bini akan menanti hasil kemenangan itu utk g shopping laks..... kan Marina kan.....

My hero with his catch........

Besar giler ....... dah kena korbankan.... rase nyer sgt lemak cam makan ikan kod or salmon..... 1/2 of the fish dah di sedekah kan kat sedara-mara.... kalo reserved kt kitorg mau 8 tahun tak abis makan.....

p/s: this Sunday ade biggest fishing competition kt Tasik Perepat Resort Klang.....first prize RM 18ooo wokeh...... harus tergedik2 suruh hubby masok.....kalo menang makcik kayo woooooo.........

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


officially we gonna participate in this campaign.... already sign up to be apart of this world campaign...... so people out there show the world Malaysian are united ..... come together to fight global warming.....
Participate this campaign by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour this Saturday 28th March 2009 8.30 to 9.30 pm......
Earth hour aims to reach more than one billion people in 1,000 cities around the world so plz hurry sign up n be counted......
will be back with more updates on Earth hour@ Yok Mampir Cafe..... we'll implements this action @ our cafe.... so on that particular nite there would be candlelight dinner for one hour in Yok Mampir Cafe..... we're keen to know the customer reaction and feed backs.........
hopefully it gonna be success as Earth hour marks a world awareness that we are on this planet together so that we need to unite n turn off that light.......

you can do it.....


this is an advert entry for those couple that decided to tied the knot...... if you still searching for the right caterer to cater for main table "Makan Beradap" please do not hesitate to contact us through email or 012-6190488

we will offer you the first class, great n excellence service, hotelish style settings, well trained waiter to served you @ the main table, wide range of food selection with artistic fruit carvings as centre piece, beautiful n elegant table setting n decor according your color n wedding theme to ensure your wedding ceremony become UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS for both you......

BRIDE N GROOM @ MAIN TABLE .....ready to be served









For more details n description bout the package that we offered kindly visit our business blog any inquires please contact us...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

outing together.....

it's hardly for us to get together wif hubby siblings n went out berpoya poya without our children......seems like golden opportunity for us when Vanida offered us a free ticket to watch her acting in this theater "SIRAH JUNJUNGAN : TAHAJUD CINTA" n my pil volunteered to look after my last Friday we went off to istana budaya to watched this amazing theater.....

it was our first time being in istana budaya ......really amazed with the place....great architecture....exclusive interior n ambiance...... n the theater superb n awesome....... a bit review bout this theater......

pementasan SJTC mengisahkan sejarah perjuangan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W dr awal kelahiran baginda sehingga kewafatan was presented in musical way.... so many interesting scene in this theater.....the intro was great... a lots of surprising elements which makes the audience excited n wonder what happen next.... the props really support the story lines very well... even though there were some weakness here n there but it totally wipe off by the great performance n overall we really enjoyed watching SJTC....

the leading actor n actress in front row.... audience gave standing ovation for the great performance.....

Jamal Abdilah, Erma Fatima n the crews

Celebrate Erma Fatima's birthday

birthday wishes from Erma's siblings, family n friends..... Umie Aida, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, Zahida Rafik wuz there....

Vanida Imran as Siti Khadijah in SJTC...

us wif the leading actor n actress..... Rebecca Al Islam as Hendon in red outfits...

hubby in front of Istana Budaya entrance......

p/s : looking forward to watch Mahsuri the Musical....... bagging for more free tickets for more theater next time....hehheheheeh......

kenangan @ kpg.........

among my favourite pics yg berjaya di capture masa cuti di kpg.........hasil kegigihan haku

skrg kan musim cuti sekolah so ala-ala recall balik our sweet memories @ kpg .....

aleya n adam posed @ tok wan's gazebo .......its our lepak2 corner while having

breakfast.......gazebo buatan sendri by tok wan....... hasil kegigihan papa....

my kiddos gigih menghayun hammmock wif tok wan ......

laju.....buai ku laju.......

pretend as bwg merah bwg puteh......

scenery n surroundings yg i really miss rite now........

sungguh mendamaikan...........

look at the flying bird yg gigih mcarik rezeki.....

mesin padi yg ter ter ter eksiden ........

ini contoh kegigihan mesin padi..... ahaks!!!!

ikutla resam padi " semakin masak semakin tunduk".....

jgn angkuh pabila sudah berjaya....... trus gigih berusaha.....


my lil bro yg gigih menaikkan layang2

while hubby yg gigih bertenggek tepi kolam memancing

n anak2 yg gigih mengunyah mamee......

yey....that's our kite...... kegigihan yg berjaya......

anakku yg masih gigih bermain pasir..... kalo kt umah lupakan aje kegigihan itew......

jgn harap nak maen2 cam nih......

Mr. hubby yg jua masih lagi gigih fishing ...... pagi ptg siang malam........

hasil tangkapan hubby....ermm no bad huh....

berbaloi kegigihan nyer itew.....


checky checky boom boom .....posed by 2 siblings @ jetty kuala perlis yg juga gigih bergamba di

kala matahari terik

entry yg gigih di karang walaupon ketandusan idea dek kurang kegigihan utk memerah otak..... ini larh hasil usaha gigih yg tak brapa nak gigih........ so ulos layan jela dgn gigih.....

i yg tak koser nk gigih lagik.....adios

Friday, March 6, 2009


mmg tgh tak keruan skrg nih...... rindu serindu rindu nyer........ tapi pada siapa yea.......

*toooot* salah

bukan pd hubby.... dok berkepit 24 hours cam ner laaaa nak rindu kt dier... but kekadang rindu gaks kalo dier dok gila mancing jer sampai tak hegat anak bini kt umah..... (hehehe...syg jgn mare yer)

tp pd my parents... both of them n also my aunt n uncle ader kt japan skrg nih..... holiday plus honeymoon yg ke brapa tah..... selalu pabila mama n papa g holiday we all yg kena tinggal yg terlebih excited..... tak sabor 2 dok sms kirim itu ini but this time satu sms pon tak dpt send due to diffrent system used in Japan n walaupon phone dh roaming still cannot contact each other......

ceh.... nyusahkan betoi la...... tak tau dah selamat sampai ke.... lepas ker kt imigresen coz mcm2 cooked food yg di bawak nyer.....dh start shoping ker.... dah g tokyo ker..... makan cam ner.... sebenarnyer terlebih risau bkn nyer rindu....... anyway diorg stayed at my cousin's house yg studied kt sana n he'll become their official tourist guide..... so maybe i tak perlu risau kotttttt..... p/s: Jo if u read this plz ym kak baby or send email kay....

*sdg cuba tenangkan ati.....* hubby jgn buat2 tak paham yerrr.....