Friday, March 6, 2009


mmg tgh tak keruan skrg nih...... rindu serindu rindu nyer........ tapi pada siapa yea.......

*toooot* salah

bukan pd hubby.... dok berkepit 24 hours cam ner laaaa nak rindu kt dier... but kekadang rindu gaks kalo dier dok gila mancing jer sampai tak hegat anak bini kt umah..... (hehehe...syg jgn mare yer)

tp pd my parents... both of them n also my aunt n uncle ader kt japan skrg nih..... holiday plus honeymoon yg ke brapa tah..... selalu pabila mama n papa g holiday we all yg kena tinggal yg terlebih excited..... tak sabor 2 dok sms kirim itu ini but this time satu sms pon tak dpt send due to diffrent system used in Japan n walaupon phone dh roaming still cannot contact each other......

ceh.... nyusahkan betoi la...... tak tau dah selamat sampai ke.... lepas ker kt imigresen coz mcm2 cooked food yg di bawak nyer.....dh start shoping ker.... dah g tokyo ker..... makan cam ner.... sebenarnyer terlebih risau bkn nyer rindu....... anyway diorg stayed at my cousin's house yg studied kt sana n he'll become their official tourist guide..... so maybe i tak perlu risau kotttttt..... p/s: Jo if u read this plz ym kak baby or send email kay....

*sdg cuba tenangkan ati.....* hubby jgn buat2 tak paham yerrr.....