Saturday, January 3, 2009

welcome 1430 n 2009

" life is never measured by the years we lived

or the wealth we possess..........

but by the caring we do, the cheer and love we

share with the people whose hearts we've touched.

with Allah s.w.t. blessing...........

hepi new year 2009 n awal muharam 1430...."

here's our resolution for 2009.....

- to cut down unnecessary expenses.... bebelanja dgn berhemat...

- expand our business generate more income to fulfill our dreams eg. dream house

cam Laman Seri kt sec. 13 shah alam.... (gosh lawa giler town house tuhhhh)

- renovate n refurbish our cafe to cater more customer....

- finally tak nak berlengah2 or melambatkan solat, menperbanyakkan sedakah dan amalan....

hopefully tercapai suma azam2 nie by end of 2009...... alhamdulilah our mission to achieve zero debt by end 2008 tercapai dgn jaya nyer........mission accomplished... alhamdulilah once again n congrats to Mr. hubby yg kerja bermatian2 to achieve it.....

"Mr. hubby a.k.a minister of finance".... you did it!!!!! let's work harder this year n reward our self with our dream house next year....yeay!!!!!!!!!!!

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