Friday, April 24, 2009

u R now 3.....

A little bit of heaven

Drifted down from above.....

A handful of happiness,

A heartful of love.....

The mystery of life,

So sacred and sweet.....

The giver of joy ....

So deep and complete....

Precious and priceless,

So lovable, too

The world's sweetest miracle,

Baby boy, is you....

Muhammad Erfan Adam ..... happy 3rd Birthday.... There is nothing more rewarding.....there is nothing more precious......than the miracle of life..... having you as our son completes us as family.... we love you so much..... make us proud of having you......happy birthday son....

Adam n his "dream" Birthday gift.... pocket bike for me plz........


Mamamarina said...

Happy birthday Adam..

ezhamaida said...

tengkiu mak ngah....eeehhh cik na..